Gorgeous home and garden wares at The Long Barn in Alresford

For those who haven’t yet discovered the delights of the lovely Long Barn, head to Alresford, ask a local and they’ll point you in the direction of a magnificent green oak barn surrounded by lavender. I love this gorgeous place, and haven’t yet been able to leave empty handed. Their lovingly maintained lavender fields produce a beautiful range of products – from lavender bags to face creams to lavender shortbread. I’m sure the smell has a calming effect as you walk around. The handwash is definitely a favourite of mine (take note when visiting the bathrooms at some of Hampshire’s finest cafes and restaurants)!
Interspersed with the lavender products are all sorts of beautiful home and garden wares, including some well picked vintage finds that owner Jane sources herself. If you’re a keen gardener then the lovely plant terrace is a particular draw. And you absolutely can’t leave without a visit to their gorgeous new cafe. The coffee is excellent and the courgette and lime cake is delicious. I also spied that they do pancakes for breakfast so I’m planning to return early one morning in spring – to have breakfast and buy bulbs.
TiYK Top Tip! The Long Barn also host some lovely workshops and events, so be sure to visit their website to see what’s on.